This is where I finally began to ALLOW myself to RECEIVE.
And I mean, receive AMAZING things. EMPOWERING things that would assist in the revealing of myself unto myself and the power that has always been inside me.
From essential oils to self development seminars.
From visualization to meditation. Affirmations to manifestations.
From tarot cards to oracle cards.
From studying empaths and energy to mindset and emotional frequency.
I have not gotten from where I was to where I am overnight or painlessly.
In fact, it was several years into my awakening journey when I finally was led to create Empowerment Experiences. That story in itself was pretty divine in its unfolding. It certainly was not without experiences that would empower me to step into the mission I had known I was here for since as young as I could remember. Challenges every step of the way.
One of the biggest ones was the appearance of HIM.
Empowerment Experiences was officially formed January 21, 2018.
My twin flame crash landed into my life on September 20, 2018.
I flew to Goa, India (my first international trip of my life!) on January 14, 2019.
How next level fucking perfect for a self love empowerment coach to find herself in such a powerful AF ego attachment experience as that which is a twin flame.
Initially I didn't even believe in the concept nor even consider entertaining the idea until I was confronted with the awareness that he and I were based on a list of twin flame confirmation signs nearly nine months into our journey.
I fell deep into this ego attachment trap. I gave my power away without realizing I had given my power away.
I had chosen to listen to all the so called twin flame gurus and fell right into it all by subconsciously silencing my own inner questioning and perpetuating the attachment in my Self and in others. Because I wanted to believe in the fairy tale of the illusion... the illusion that someone outside of me could actually complete me.
Interestingly, the summer before Empowerment Experiences was even formed, I had seen this exact social media image pictured that says we each are our own twin flames. That twin flame love is self love and that no one else can complete you except for you.
I knew nothing much of the twin flame concept before that nor had I much interest to be seeking an intimate partner. I was eager, ready and excited AF to be building my independent self love empowerment coaching empire online and living an amazing life just me, myself and I.
However, building online puts you in front of all kinds of people, including those that mirror our less than pleasing beliefs we have about certain aspects of this experience. That for me included men who were despicable perverts or scam artists out for my money.
After receiving completely inappropriate photos in messenger from a couple of them and becoming aggravated by one with whom I’d even actually spoken to about bringing my original Empowerment Experiences superpower program to his country to empower his community, only weeks later for him to attempting guilt me into sending him money.
I decided that as I had no need for men on any level except for the short list of very privileged few I call brothers, every last one of them would be blocked and I’d accept no more friend requests from any men as they were not at all who I was online to connect with.
A few months later, that would all change when I let HIM in.
It was around the end of August or beginning of September 2018 when a soul sister of mine and I sat together in my office creating checklist-style vision boards. I wish I had a photo to show you however I can assure you with absolute certainty there were really just two lists…. one for my business and the other for my personal. Nowhere on there was a notation for a relationship, soulmate or any such romantic heartbreaking nonsense. I wanted peace and MF quiet.
With all I had endured and the negative beliefs I held about men, I truly desired to create for my Self a peaceful single solitary life. A no drama, no bullshit life building my self love empowerment coaching business online.
Excited about what I was creating and just minding my own damn business, it was suddenly like a MF freight train came barreling through and flipped my lunch tray over.
Ok, well not at first….
It started with accepting his friend request on Facebook. A move I will probably forever remember how I felt as I sat there dumbfounded at having hit that confirm button. I had not accepted any male friend requests for MONTHS and couldn’t understand why I suddenly would accept his.
Yet I did.
In my shock, I left it alone and went back to my work.
A few hours later, I picked up my cell phone to make a call to discover it being exactly 1:11pm. Being divine signs obsessed, I snapped a screenshot.
I unlocked my screen and opened my Messenger to discover a message from him. I couldn’t even fathom why I would even want to have a conversation with him. I didn’t have the time or energy. I wasn’t ready for it so I ignored it.
I intentionally ignored it until October 3rd when I could finally no longer stand the incessant tugging inside for me to reply to him. So I finally did.
The power of the Soul drive to explore this connection was unlike anything I’d experienced.
The pull in me to lean into this experience was irresistible.
It was so powerful that not only did I move a brown sun-faded chair and ottoman from my living room out onto my porch to create a special place just so I could spend time with him, I had my flights booked to meet him in person by the end of the month…. on the other side of the world in Goa, India.
Neither one of us could explain what we were feeling. He said such things as his “Geeta says so” about us needing to meet before we got there. During the time there, he just casually says how he feels we have known each other in past lives.
I called him my “soulmate life partner” since I wasn’t yet believing in twin flames but at the same time feeling the intensity of the connection.
I had to do so much fucking work on myself to actually get on that plane flying from Phoenix, Arizona to Newark, New Jersey. So much journaling, tarot and oracle cards, signs and synchronicities that I relied upon to help me to navigate this crazy unknown journey I was on.
Remember, that 1:11 screenshot? It reappeared just over a month later at the end of November when I was in one of the many self sabotaging places ready to cancel the trip and let myself believe I was out of my fucking mind for even considering such insanity. He was, after all, more than 17 years younger than me and on the other side of the world. I’d just barely gotten my passport and had yet to get my Indian Visa.
So much about our journey to Goa was divinely guided… me following the signs and intuitive hits all along the way. Even the date of my arriving in India has powerful meaning in addition to getting there less than 4 months after accepting his friend request.
The trip from concept to completion took less than 90 days.
Flights were booked on October 30, 2018.
I got on the plane January 13, 2019 and stepped foot on Indian soil January 15th local time (January 14th Arizona time, which was the EXACT date I manifested it to be!!).
We had an extremely soul expanding experience.
Then we both got on our respective flights back to our homes on January 22, 2019.
That was 90 of the fastest days of my MF life from start to finish of that manifestation. It is now YEARS later since that life enhancing best idea ever trip happened. And it has been, even still, one hell of a ride.
While we are no longer in communication as he has since married someone else and now has multiple children with her, I know for certain that I finally know the truth of the treacherous path of OUTER twin flame separation into INNER union as it has always and actually been about.
It was never about him nor being with him.
It was always about me creating INNER balance by truly being with my Self.
I had finally discovered the truth that I had gotten caught up in what I have come to call the twin flame trap... the self created prison of perpetuated struggle and doubt by focusing on the lack of union with our twin rather than the coming into union WITHIN.
It is indeed also my own expansion path into embodiment of being a twin flame and discovering that, in truth, a twin flame journey is most certainly a self love empowerment journey. I have learned things about myself that I never thought were me. My soul purpose being revealed to be so much more than I had known before him.
Another way the twin flame journey is challenging AF is the knowing who to listen to of the countless self-proclaimed twin flame gurus, experts and such saying contradictory things that just leave you feeling even more confused and powerless in your twin flame connection?
So it is the same for you, Goddess. If you are painfully honest with your Self, does this REALLY feel like a healthy and positive connection that feeds and nurtures you??
I KNOW this place, Goddess.
And it's EXACTLY why I created my own Twin Flame Confirmation Checklist that debunks each and every so called sign that is keeping you stuck in this painful perpetuation of an ego attachment.
Having since learned with absolute certainty that a twin flame journey IS a self love empowerment journey, I am sure that if I didn’t already have the incredible self love empowerment foundation, I probably would have lost my fucking mind for real with this twin flame stuff. This is no walk in the MF park. I wouldn’t want to fathom attempting to navigate this twin flame journey trap without the wisdom I possess from already being fully aware that I am on a self love empowerment journey.
THIS is what empowerment is all about. Learning to be truly honest with your Self as you tune into and trust your own knowing… letting your Self see what you need to see such truths as only YOU are and can be your twin flame.
As I said, how fitting for a self love empowerment coach to find herself in a twin flame journey trap - - one of the most intense, life changing, heart and soul expanding of them all. An empowerment experience wherein you are forced to look at yourself at depths as never before. A soul connection and contract made to empower and guide INNER union embodiment of unconditional love by learning to see the reflection of not just who you call twin flame, but the entire world as your Soul mirror.
Triggering the expansion of divine gifts and otherworldly experiences, the twin flame journey trap causes one to question every part of their lives and themselves. It is a journey wherein you find your Self obsessing in a way that’s not so much physically lustful, but rather an undeniable energetic pull toward another that feels like the ultimate home you feel you have spent all of eternity to find only to be perceivably ripped apart to overcome the illusion of separation that we are, in truth, experiencing each within our own selves.
This twin flame ego attachment trap is for us each independently to -- as only we can -- learn to love our own selves and step fully into our power.
And until we are anchored into our power and aligned within, we are not aligned with nor are we ready for union with any of our desires. This twin flame educational experience is massively telling as to whether or not you're letting in ANY of your desired manifestations in any area of your life, I learned this through this incredible first hand experiential journey.
Ultimately, this alignment space is a responsibility to and of each our own selves, on our own journeys because that is truly where our power lies. Learning to completely and fully love each our own Selves in totality.
Once I finally allowed my Self to see beyond the label of twin flame and saw him as a Soul with whom I'd made a contract to reclaim my power in some intensely powerful way on this journey, I could see so clearly in my Self and my path important things that still needed to be cleared, transmuted, realigned and calibrated for full inner union to occur. It took me a bit to release the resistance and allow for myself to see this truth. My ego had a virtual death grip on fear, doubt and the excruciating need to attempt to control that which is out of my control. To actually put into practice all I’ve come to know and use along my self love empowerment journey by looking for and finding my power where it is rather than where it is not.
And that most certainly is in focusing on myself and why I am here in this world. Why I had to go through all I had to go through.
Once I'd shifted into this awakened perspective of the truth of what twin flames truly are, I made an announcement to my audience. Not surprisingly, I got several DMs stating how I no longer resonated with them and that they were going to follow the path of ego attachment further.
Needless to say, every single one of them who said that then has since returned and is in full agreement with the truth and therefore liberation of this twin flame trap after taking what I'd said to heart and putting it all into practice. They, too, were able to see where their power was on this twin flame journey trap and take it back.
As lightworking twin flame trap survivors and thrivers, we come with a mission… and I have known my mission from day one in this world and declared it as soon as I could form the sentence as a little girl….. “I am here to save the world.”
Little did I know the path to doing so would be to learn how to first save myself. I would need to learn how that statement of "here to save the world" was an attempt at my ego to describe what I innately knew in my soul….that we cannot technically save another without they themselves choosing to save their own Self and that I can only lead by example.
I had no idea what this was even going to look like and why it felt so important. Or why I had to endure such adversity in preparation for said soul mission. I had no idea that I would grow up to be a self love empowerment coach or that I would have to know complete and utter self loathing so to learn the path to self love. I was absolutely clueless to the concept of twin flames and only knew the programming given me as a young girl to find her prince charming in order to be made whole and complete. I had to unlearn that nonsense and relearn that I am whole and complete in and of myself. I am indeed ENOUGH just as I am.
All things I have endured was training for my mission when the call came to step up…. and I continue to rise.
I know FOR CERTAIN that true change can only begin when we CHOOSE to truly change.
I also know that it is a never ending journey we are on.
The journey of our soul.
A self love empowerment journey so magnificent that we GET TO explore and discover the amazing that is and always has been each our own Self.
AND, for my fellow twin flame travelers, that twin flame journey into mission and divine union in this physical plane.
You’ve only got to ALLOW yourself to see it.
And that’s why I’m here in this world. Why I went through so much.
You are not alone, Goddess.
You CAN live the life you desire.
I can show you how.
Are you ready? It’s time to rise up so you can spread your wings and fly.
Just as the Pegasus was birthed from pain and suffering, so too do you have the same immeasurable magical Pegasus Power inside you to turn dark into light.
Because you ARE light.
You ARE love.
And I love you for reading this my first ever in depth share of that which has been my own incredible collection of empowerment experiences in this Human University School of Harnessing Energy.
Now let’s get to work.
We’ve got a mission to accomplish.
And it all begins within.