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From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial

More clarity. More calm.

Less confusion. Less chaos.

This powerful program guides you into and through finding your power within to clarify the overwhelming confusion and calm the debilitating chaos in your mind and thus, any area of your life, including your twin flame connection. You will learn how to gain control over your life by utilizing structured meditative, creative and written methods. 

This course is for you if...

(and only if...)

  •  you are ready to get crystal clear on what you WANT to be creating in your life

  • you are done with being tossed around at the mercy of life's circumstances (because YOU are creating them!)

  • you are tired of being tired, overwhelmed, confused and stressed

  • you are so fucking fed up with feeling stuck and even trapped in the current circumstances your self love empowerment or twin flame journey

  • you are eager to create your life with intention, discover true happiness and experience clearer thinking no matter WTF anybody else says or does

  • you are done with feeling like shit because you are doing all the things that take you out of alignment and disconnect you with the power of you which has been wreaking havoc in your life and your relationships

  • you are excited to be the catalyst for better relationships in your life

  • you are aware of the power of creativity, personal expression and are eager to show up as a more bold and authentic YOU in every facet of your life

  • you are ready AF to step into your MF Goddess power and BE the leader in and over the totality of your life

  • you are eager to discover the truth of YOU, shift what needs shifting and come home to full union within so to finally be aligning ultimate physical union with all that you desire 

  • you are ready to do whatever the fuck it takes to rise and thrive into your MF power to finally be creating the life you so deeply desire and richly deserve!



This self paced deep dive creative journaling course guides you through and out of the frustration, powerlessness and overwhelming chaos of your self love empowerment journey. Whether you're healing your inner child or healing twin flames, it all begins and ends with and within you, Goddess. Whatever labels you choose to use to describe your journey, it will always come back to your Self and your power.

The only way to come into union with anything you desire is to come into union or reunite with your own power within... which ultimately means to know thy Self.

When you harness the super power of clarity in one area of your life, other areas are bound to naturally become clarified and calm, too. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything, especially that which you do with clear intention.

How amazing does it feel to imagine being fully present, calm and fully immersed in the moment with all whom you love rather than being distracted by all the things rolling around in your head?

How infinitely divine are the sensations when you experience being in your truth and your power as you continue to rise and thrive with all whom you desire to be there with you?

It ALL begins within, Goddess.

The time has arrived for you to know such pleasurable moments enjoying your journey and living your life as you discover and reveal a more confident, happier and powerful you ~~ the true Divine Feminine Goddess within that you have always been.

Unleash your inner power to create better relationships, stronger connections and more affirming decisions along your amazing journey as you become more confident in expressing the true you as a result of the guided creative expression in this course.

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial



* To US & Canada


Take a look at what's inside...

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial


More than 85 guided prompts throughout this ultimate self discovery course - all created to guide you into the powerful space of clarified calm on your self love empowerment journey.

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial


Packed with expanded clarity for the downloadable guides and creative how-to for each section to be created for you to explore and discover your voice and power.

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial


Packed with ELEVEN  deep dive segments focused on uncovering and revealing your true you so you finally achieve inner union and shift into living a life you love to live.

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial


Access for life to From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling course! Includes all future updates and additions to the course for the lifetime of its existence!

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial


A high quality branded journal with all the creative tools needed to create a stunning organized collection of reusable prompts for easy to reference self reflection.

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial


My complete moon cycle process for manifesting your deepest desires from a new house, car or job to a trip around the world or physical union with your twin flame.


Chaos Calming Clarity

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial

I firmly believe our journal is for our journey.

It is a reference tool that supports our growth as it eases the pain and chaos of the constant shifting, changing and rearranging of that which is each our own personal life.

We are here to experience, learn, shift, grow, transform and ascend.

We each have an AMAZING one of a kind story to both share and create.

What a GIFT to ourselves and each other to leave such legacies as having EXISTED. 

Even better for us all to be creating, living and loving AMAZING lives.

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial Journals

And ALL this requires CLARITY. 

Without such, I have learned so very well that we then become ships tossed around at sea as WE are the ones creating the rough waters beneath us. 

WITH clarity, that chaos soon becomes calm and we find ourselves LITERALLY in the flow of life. 

What would finding calm and peace within do for you in YOUR life? 
What would it do for your love connection?

What drama and chaos would you be eager to no longer be triggered, influenced and impacted by?

When you finally reach the surrender phase on this twin flame journey, you awaken to the truth that YOU and only you are perpetuating your own prolonged suffering through self sabotage, ego attachment and focused obsession with whom you call your divine counterpart.

You and only you are creating the chaos around and within you.

This is when you finally recognize that it is time to break yourself free of the twin flame trap to focus on YOU so you can finally rise and thrive on YOUR incredible AF self love empowerment journey.

A twin flame journey IS, after all, a self love empowerment journey and the only way to come into union with your twin is to come home to union within.... to calm the chaos within.

Therefore, it ALL begins INSIDE you.

It's all in the shifting, Goddess.....

Shifting through chaos into clarity in such facets of your life as:

  • Expressing gratitude for the abundant blessings in your life

  • Discovering energetic givers to fill your cup and lift you up

  • Learning to focus on the favorite things you embrace about ALL that is your life

  • Knowing your harmonious divine union vision with your twin flame or soulmate connection 

  • Embodying your life dreams and desired manifestations

  • Letting go of the damaging negativity within through forgiveness practices

  • Interpreting your intuitive guidance from such tools as tarot and oracle cards

  • Setting intentions and creating affirmations to align with the life you DO desire

  • Uncovering WHO YOU ARE and who do you desire to be

  • Revealing WHY do you do what you do so to catapult you into renewed energy for motivation, inspiration and activation


Reclaim your power and journal your life

Reclaim your power and journal your life

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial Journal

This highly impactful journaling course is guaranteed to facilitate so many incredibly amazing positive changes in you, your love connection and your life!

Imagine turning your life of stressful unending chaos into a flowy peaceful calm.... and all from doing INNER work by seeking and finding greater clarity for who you are, how you're blessed, why you are here, what your deepest desires REALLY are and even more.

Time to break free from the twin flame trap by shifting focus from where you've come to where you're going by clearly seeing where you're at.



Course ONLY
Course & Kit
From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial Online



  • Course inclusions:

    • 11 Journaling Sections including intention & affirmation creation, forgiveness exercises, self  discovery & revelation, designing your life vision, manifesting true twin flame or soulmate divine love and much more.

    • 10+ videos with lifetime access

    • Guaranteed your life becomes more clarified, calmer, joyful and abundant in all ways by the end of the course!



Creative Clarity Journaling Online Course Tools, journals, pens, oils, ribbons Empowerment Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial



  • Course inclusions:

    • 11 Journal Prompt Sections including intention & affirmation creation, forgiveness exercises, self  discovery & revelation, designing your life vision, manifesting true twin flame or soulmate love and much more.

    • 10+ videos with lifetime access

    • Guaranteed your life becomes more clarified, calmer, joyful and abundant in all ways by the end of the course!

  • Creative Kit inclusions:

    • Pink or Green Empowerment Experiences Journal (YOUR choice!)

    • 12 ribbon spool varieties

    • Printed and cut to size card stock journal prompt designs

    • Cut to size patterned, solid color, glitter and other such scrapbook paper

    • Scissors and tacky glue

    • Multi-color pen collection

    • Adhesive dots/squares

    • My fave essential oil, Cedarwood NEW!

    • My fave essential oil blend, Cheer in an easy to use roller bottle! NEW!

    • Shipping & Handling is included, too!



From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course & Tool Kit Empowement Experiences Coaching Self Love Twin Flame Entreprenuerial Online

Rachelle Richard



From the chaos of destructive self-loathing to the calming clarity of empowered self love, Rachelle Richard has endured and overcome trauma, abuse, assault, drug addition, prostitution, being arrested, anxiety, depression and bipolar misdiagnosis that with legally prescribed drugs turned her into a zombie.

It was on her self love empowerment journey that she then discovered the next level of her ascension journey to be that of a twin flame Goddess... a concept she didn't even believe in when she fell into the trap of it and subsequently had to break free from it.

In her power reclamation journey, she has learned with EXTREME clarity that life is not happening TO us,

rather it is happening FOR us FROM us.

The mind is SO powerful and upon discovering and honing this awareness and power, she has stepped into her clarified purpose of guiding Goddesses from the twin flame trap of frustrating chaos, defeating overwhelm and self sabotaging behavior into ultimate self love empowerment and union within.


The power to create any life we desire is in our hands..... because it has always been INSIDE US.

Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Review Feedback Praise Appreciation
Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Review Feedback Praise Appreciation
Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Review Feedback Praise Appreciation
Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Review Feedback Praise Appreciation
Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Review Feedback Praise Appreciation
Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Review Feedback Praise Appreciation
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