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Welcome to

Where you can look for, find and reclaim your power in and through all facets of your self love empowerment journey. From twin flame empowerment to entrepreneurial empowerment and all that is the totality of true self love empowerment, Empowerment Experiences is here to support you in your spiritual awakening through self love empowerment life coaching inclusive of shadow work, self healing methods and practices, manifestation, mindset matters, affirmations, intuitive inquiry, oracle card readings, signs, synchronicities and all that's required for you to reclaim your power.

Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations green rings
Challenge Clarity Coaching Session Online Video
Intuitive Oracle Card Reading 10 card Complete Pegasus Perspective
Live Group Coaching Empowerment Experiences Vision Board Manifesting Moon Ritual
Custom Affirmation Stations Empowerment Experiences Mindset Coaching Self Love Empowerment
From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Coaching Course Empowerment Experiences
Worthy Abundant Bitch Affirmation Empowerment Experiences Movement
Self Love Empowerment Blog


Flight Path Through Your
Self Love Empowerment Coaching Psychic Intuitive Card Readings

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The path to looking for, finding and reclaiming your power.

Twin Flame Empowerment Coaching Psychic Intuitive Card Readings

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Break free from the painful longing of the Twin Flame Ego Attachment Trap.

Entrepreneurial Empowerment Coaching Psychic Intuitive Card Readings

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Be stepping into and through your Soul's Entrepreneurial Calling empowered and supported.

Self Love Empowerment
Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations white rings

Welcome to the beginning of the path to looking for, finding and reclaiming your power. Here you'll find stops and destinations to take you to where you desire to go depending on the type of support and empowerment guidance needed.


Incorporating a powerful blend of oracle card readings, intuitive life coaching and self love empowerment coaching inclusive of support:


  • providing a Pegasus Perspective on whatever challenge you are burdened with

  • navigating a spiritual awakening and dark night of the soul experiences

  • shifting self sabotage

  • inner child healing

  • reflective shadow work

  • intentional manifestation​

  • utilizing and implementing countless other empowerment tools and practices.

Choose the path below that speaks to you.

There might be many, one or maybe a few.

Regardless of what you choose to do,

Know Rachelle's with you all the way through.

One on One Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Self Love Twin Flame Entrepreneurial Psychic Intuitive Card Readings

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One on One Self Love Empowerment Intuitive Life Coaching Experiences with or without Oracle Card Readings.

You have the power to choose the path you're being called toward to receive the clarity you're seeking -- from an in person card spread to private online video sessions to emailed intuitive oracle card reading reports with multiple cards, angel numbers, journal prompts and intuitively channeled messages for clarifying where to be looking for, finding and reclaiming your power.

Group Coaching Empowerment Experiences Manifesting Moon Vision Creation Goddess Parties Card Readings Psychic Intuitive

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Live Online Group Self Love Empowerment Intuitive Life Coaching Experiences, usually with Oracle Card Readings. You have the power to choose the path you're being called to experience -- a month long full cycle Manifesting Moon Ritual Experience, a powerful intuitively guided Vision Board Experience using your intuitive guidance, Challenge Coaching Sessions where you bring your challenges to face and overcome together and Goddess Parties that aren't really focused on coaching, but instead are high vibe spaces wherein we can share our favorite songs, happy thoughts and joyful laughter to raise our vibrations as we're on the path looking for, finding and reclaiming your power.

Empowerment Experiences Shop Gear Guidance Coaching Card Readings Psychic Intuitive

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Empowerment Tools designed and created for supporting you into and through looking for, finding and reclaiming your power. From emailed oracle card readings to custom affirmation stations to worthy abundant bitch gear to complete empowerment tool kits, downloadable worksheets and checklists, you're sure to find where your power is waiting to be found. 

Affirmations Affirmation Station 111 Worthy Abundant Bitch Empowerment Experiences Coaching

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All things affirmations from Custom Affirmation Stations you help create to premade affirmation stations through Affirmation Station 111 and the Worth Abundant Bitch Affirmation Empowerment Movement powered by Empowerment Experiences.

Worthy Abundant Bitch Empowerment Experiences Movement

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The Worth Abundant Bitch Affirmation Empowerment Movement powered by Empowerment Experiences. Get your Bitch Gear here!

From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Empowerment Experiences Coaching Intuitive

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Harness the powers of creativity and clarity as you journal your life from chaos to calm with this self love empowerment video course and empowerment tool kit.

Twin Flame Empowerment

Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations white rings

Welcome to the path to looking for, finding and reclaiming your power on your twin flame journey.


With the excruciating twin flame separation into twin flame surrender healing process, it's a mostly painful (until you break free) and powerfully healing Soul path to ascension, inner union and next level power reclamation. Being an incredibly intense self love empowerment journey that requires extreme self honesty, reflection, acceptance and surrender because to truly break free of the perpetuating pain, you have to come to know that this journey is not about a counterpart outside of you, it's about you and you inside you. You can even call them your higher self and your Ego.

Twin Flame Empowerment is Self Love Empowerment Psychic Intuitive Card Readings

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Look for, find and reclaim your power on this

twin flame self love empowerment journey.


Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations white rings

Welcome to the path to looking for, finding and reclaiming your power on your Soul purpose entrepreneurial journey.

Growing a Soul-preneur business?

Being guided to start one, Goddess?

Not sure where to go or what to do,

where to start or how to continue?

No matter where your power may be

We'll find it, for sure, book it and see!

NEW EE Entrepreneurial Empowerment details 10-2024 title.png

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Look for, find and reclaim your power on this Soul purpose entrepreneurial empowerment journey.


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Empowerment Experiences

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