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Menstrual Manifesting: A Simple 4 Phase Manifestation Process for Using Your Period & Entire Menstrual Cycle to Manifest Your Desired Vision

Writer's picture: Rachelle RichardRachelle Richard

Nearly every natural born woman knows the joy of the monthly cycle – emotions, cravings, cramps, bleeding, pain and plenty more. We’ve been so programmed to loathe the bleed time and associate it with self destructive habits like bingeing junk food that ultimately doesn’t benefit our overall health and wellbeing. Probably more than likely exacerbates the symptoms. (They do. I’m just giving some of us the benefit of the doubt. I’m not expecting perfection of the Self, just reflection of the Self.)

I mean, yes, that “time of the month” is indeed quite unpleasant; however, we don’t have to hate it. In fact, when we loathe a natural bodily function that keeps our body healthy, we are actually infusing the loathing and hatred into our very cells. We are rejecting a natural part of ourselves and in turn, ultimately rejecting the totality of ourselves. This rejection only further exacerbates the awareness and sensation of feeling powerless in this space.

I’m sure if we actually just took a little bit more time to innerstand our bodies and the powers therein, we’d embrace them so much more. That is the foundation of this self love empowerment journey, after all… reclaiming power through learning to love that which is your Self. I certainly feel more empowered to embrace and love my body the more I learn about the wonderment of this vessel that enables and empowers me to live fully this human life experience.


Interestingly, research revealed the average span of the majority of women’s cycles is 24-38 days. Thus, the timeframes notated for each of these phases are approximate based on this average.


Carnelian stone woman empowerment menstrual manifesting manifestation
The naturally formed, truly cherished, eternally preserved Carnelian "petrified pussy" stone.

It will take some awareness and attention to calculate and align your Self with your manifesting menstrual cycle. The clarity pages at the end of this section will support you in achieving this alignment!

The menstrual cycle is said to be two phases – from the first half of the month to ovulation then the second half of the month to the end of menstruation.


The overall perspective (aka Pegasus Perspective!) of the menstrual journey looks like:


Now that we have a little better view on what we’re looking at, here’s how you can shift your perspective of these monthly womanly phases and actually harness the power each one has to offer for manifesting what you desire to be experiencing, even for the experience of your cycle itself!


Phase 1 – Follicular or Proliferative Phase = 10-16 days depending on woman’s cycle length.

First Half/Two Weeks of Cycle

The New Moon & Beginning Phase of the Menstrual Cycle, this is the time to create – to proliferate – an environment that supports and is receptive of incoming desires and manifestations just as the body is preparing the womb of creation to receive the egg, sperm and their fertilization.


The root of the word “proliferate” is “pro-life” – meaning it is the perfect environment for creating life itself or to be giving life to your dreams. This is the time for proliferation of that which is good and feels good!


New Moon is the beginning of both the moon cycle and the menstrual cycle. It is for the first few days of the week following the bleed time. While that which is the “new moon phase” of the menstrual cycle certainly does not always occur along with the actual real time New Moon phase of the moon, the menstrual cycle is energetically the same cycle flow as the moon.


As with the New Moon Phase, this is the time for having big visions, creating intentions, getting specific as well as dreamy as this is the time during your cycle that you have the greatest access to the most creative energy which is perfect for starting new projects.


Use the energies during this time to fuel your manifestations as the build up to the glow up time of ovulation, when you’re most magnetic.


Clarify, clarify, clarify and get ready to be ready to be ready by taking any and all aligned action you can for the manifestation of your vision. Create what you need to create, call who you need to call, go where you need to go, especially nearer the end of this phase.


This follicular phase is technically from the end of menstruation to inclusive of the day of ovulation.



Phase 2 – Ovulation – ONE DAY!

Lasting only a day, the final day of the Follicular phase, ovulation is energetically akin to the climactic infusion of the energetic propulsion of maxed out magnetism.


Because it lasts only one day, it’s not typically considered its own phase; however, it is its own phase because its occurrence clearly creates a vital change in the physical that undeniably creates an energetic shift that therefore affects the environment around it like ripples in a pond. 


Harnessing these unstoppable energies during this time is sure to catapult you into manifesting at quantum levels and speeds.


With your estrogen at your highest level, so is your energy. This is the time for taking aligned action and being communicative with creating your vision. Get out there and let your maxed out magnetism attract what you require for manifesting your dreams!



Phase 3/Phase 2 – Luteal or Secretory Phase = 10-16 days depending on woman’s cycle length.

Last Half/Two Weeks of Cycle

A time of contrast, this is the Full Moon Phase of the cycle wherein cleansing, releasing and purging is being called for to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you or support your vision.


With the Full Moon being in the midst of the pre-menstrual phase, this time is all about alignment. From releasing and letting go of the fears standing in the way of your manifestations to shifting into aligning with receiving your desires, this is a busy time of doing the deeper work to allow those desires to flow in.


Being the shadow phase of the moon and the shadow phase of the menstrual cycle, it is time for shining the light on the shadows to reveal their truths. This is the real work phase, the detail oriented take action phase of getting the things done that further align you with your vision.


This luteal secretory phase is technically from the day after ovulation to the end of menstruation.



Phase 4 – Menstruation = 3-7 days depending on the woman’s cycle length.

Marks the end of the second half of and completes the entire cycle.

Perhaps this is why it is called a period.

You’ve worked your ass off so now it’s time to rest, relax and let your manifestations flow in as your menstrual blood flows out. Go easy on your Self.


In alignment phases of the moon, this is the final phase of the menstrual cycle. This “Bleeding Moon Time” is the time for letting go (forgiveness practice) to create space for the next and new you are intending to call in with the next cycle. It is also a time for grounding into gratitude, reflection and recharging. These are the 3-5 days prior to the New Moon phase, the beginning of both the menstrual cycle and the moon cycle.


Surrender and let it flow in!! This is really the most important part because if you don’t surrender and let it in, well, it’s going to be quite the bitch to get it to come through! So be like the blood flowing out of you (wonderful image, isn’t it!?) and flow with the manifestation journey by grounding into each and every phase of this incredible Menstrual Manifesting Process, letting your desires flow in abundantly!


For another amazing process packed with even more manifesting guidance, tools and support, check out the powerfully intense Manifesting Moon Empowerment Experience here!


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