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Card Reading Yearly Clearly Challenge Clarity Coaching Intuitive Messages EMAILED to support you navigating your year ahead. Multiple page full color report.


Thirteen card PILES of THREE cards to represent every month for the coming year, the energies within each and the overall energy of the year ahead. PLUS, usually things start BEFORE the spread even gets laid out! 


Created in a full color printable multi-page PDF so you can keep them tucked away for reference in your journal as you process through what guidance, messages and clarity you receive from taking the time to write what comes before, during and after throughout every month's journey all year long!


You can choose your own deck OR allow for the Universe to choose at the time your message is ready to be revealed and be Divinely surprised, with supporting bonus cards in every report from both the Power of Surrender and Crystal Mandala Activation decks for even great clarity on where your power is to be found!


The ULTIMATE EMPOWERMENT TOOL, this FULL COLOR PRINTABLE PDF includes a photo of your card spread, details & intuitive messages of & from your primary deck (see deck options!), your crystal cards and your Power of Surrender cards that reveal where your power for practicing surrender can be found plus any received messages PLUS all your divinely aligned intuitive journal prompts, affirmations and channeled messages with additional coaching guidance from and through me for for you will be SENT VIA EMAIL within 1-3 WEEKS of your purchase! (May take up to 5 weeks, depends on order quantity!)

Card Reading Yearly Clearly Challenge Clarity Coaching Intuitive Messages EMAIL

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