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Break free from the 
   twin flame trap ~

with this ALL-ACCESS pass to EVERY LIVE Empowerment Experiences event PLUS unlocking powerful video courses so you are GUARANTEED to be rising and thriving on your twin flame self love empowerment journey!
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Has your twin flame journey become excruciating?

Are you tired of being overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed nearly every day?

Are you experiencing constant doubt and anxiety about the uncertainty of the future?

Are you flustered and feeling trapped in never ending cycles and patterns in your twin flame connection?

Are you aware that the ONLY way to align physical harmonious union with your twin is through coming home to union within ~ to return to the truth of YOU and step fully into your power?

Are you READY to rise into your power and learn to thrive through implementing a multitude of self love practices that empower you into greater confidence, self trust, acceptance and love?

We do NOT create change in our lives or on this planet any other way than from WITHIN ourselves.

Goddess, the power to change your life
into anything you desire is in your hands
because it has always been inside you.

And I'm here to guide you into and through finding it so you connect with it to rise and thrive on your
twin flame self love empowerment journey, regardless of what is happening outside of you.

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Through this ongoing 6 month ALL ACCESS PASS program,
you will experience:

💖 shifting from feeling powerless and struggling in your twin flame journey into feeling empowered and aligned by coming home to union within through rising into the power of YOU

💖 immense support along your journey of learning how to truly give love to yourself and how to receive it

💖 the tools and techniques to overcome worry, self loathing, doubt and fear to discover and expand confidence, worthiness, strength and courage (from one who has done this herself!)

💖 Mindset Reset and Self Mastery for connecting with and shifting into the best version of yourself buried deep within

💖 finding clarity for your purpose, path and life vision

💖 meditation, visualization and scripting practices for purposefully creating your abundant life

💖 connecting to and developing your intuition and empath abilities for greater personal power and self trust

💖 self love and care techniques for expanding and attracting love in your life, especially aligning physical harmonious twin flame union

💖 how to balance your inner divine masculine and divine feminine energies so to be getting into alignment with all that you desire as you step into your power, soul purpose and twin flame mission

💖 discovering the expansive realm of interesting subjects with occasional expert guests on topics such as twin flames, chakras & energy, stones & crystals, essential oils, law of attraction, shifting, upleveling, ascension and so much more ~ all aimed specifically at empowering YOU!


EWR Pass
~ Empowered with Rachelle Group Coaching Sessions - minimum twice monthly LIVE Zoom events up to THREE HOURS EACH for diving into harnessing the power of Intentionally Manifesting with Self Love the rising and thriving life and love you desire and deserve! (w/pdf downloads and replays!)

~ Manifesting Moon Ritual Group Events - one New Moon, one Full Moon PLUS complete Manifesting Moon Ritual harnessing the entire moon cycle (w/pdf downloads and replays!)

~ Vision Board Creation Experiences - occasional online vision board creation parties with the original divinely guided process so loved by all whom have experienced it and the very one that brought me into complete alignment with being a Self Love Empowerment Coach and the creation of Empowerment Experiences.

~ Online Goddess Parties - More than 2 hours in length, these OCCASIONAL online gatherings are just a feel good space where you can come from anywhere in the world even in your jammies to savor in some feel good vibes. Some Goddess parties are open to the public.

~ PRIVATE Telegram group
 - The "anything goes" space for seeking real time coaching and answers to course questions. The ultimate safe space for sharing all that is your twin flame self love empowerment journey. We do keep chatter about our twin flames to a minimum as the intention of this higher level group is for action and results which can only come from creating change within ourselves to create change in our lives. This has little to actually do with our DMs and everything to do with ourselves.


~ HTF Rise & Thrive Manifesting with Self Love Power Starter
 - THE program that contains ALL the tools, resources, techniques and practices I utilized and implemented to manifest my FIRST EVER trip to INDIA in less than 90 DAYS from concept to completion to meet my twin flame love in person! I didn't even own a passport or have a single penny set aside. And this is just the STARTER course as we dive infinitely deeper in Empowered with Rachelle to take you all the way to your desired life.

~ Empowering Empaths Knowing Narcissists
 - My first ever video course reloaded twin flame style so you can be an empowered twin flame Goddess EMPATH and understand the deeper purpose for twin flames ALL being empaths AND transient energy vampires.

~ From Chaos to Calm Creative Clarity Journaling Course
- My second ever video course also reloaded with a twin flame twist to guide you through journaling your life from chaos to calm. Creative tool kit ALSO INCLUDED!
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w/additional $200+ BONUSES
totaling more than $550
savings over 6 months!

6 month



w/additional $450+ BONUSES
totaling more than $1100
savings over 12 months!

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No cancellation fees. Cancel anytime. Refund pro-rated for time remaining.

Empowered with Rachelle Goddess Rising Mentorship Group Coaching is guaranteed to provide you with the opportunity to truly invest in yourself as you transform with the life experience wisdom and guidance of the founder, CEO and Self Love Empowerment Coach of Empowerment Experiences.

There will be guest experts to discuss and guide through a wide variety of topics all centered on SELF LOVE EMPOWERMENT and finding power along the twin flame journey.

So, Goddess....

Are YOU ready to commit to YOURSELF and begin to create the life you so deeply desire and so richly deserve?


Rachelle Richard



From the chaos of destructive self-loathing to the calming clarity of empowered self love, Rachelle Richard has endured and overcome trauma, abuse, assault, drug addition, prostitution, being arrested, anxiety, depression and bipolar misdiagnosis that with legally prescribed drugs turned her into a zombie.

It was on her self love empowerment journey that she then discovered the next level of her ascension journey to be that of a twin flame Goddess... a concept she didn't even believe in when she met her counterpart.

In her power reclamation journey, she has learned with EXTREME clarity that life is not happening TO us, rather it is happening FOR us FROM us.


The mind is SO powerful and upon discovering and honing this awareness and power, she has stepped into her clarified purpose of guiding Goddesses from the twin flame trap of frustrating chaos, defeating overwhelm and self sabotaging behavior into ultimate self love empowerment and union within.


The power to create any life we desire is in our hands..... because it has always been INSIDE US.

What it is like to work with Rachelle...

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