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Are you an Empath?


Do you even know what that means?

Are you drained, doubtful and DONE with being a doormat?

Currently dealing with a narcissist or other such energy vampire?

Would you like verification on all this information??

Seeking support and guidance on how to facilitate change regarding this unhealthy situation?

Are you finally fucking READY to take back your power and start living a truly happy and fulfilling life?


Empowering Empaths, Knowing Narcissists
is a do at your own pace on your own time video course that guides you through all the above and so much MORE!

Are you ready to become fully empowered and feel guided by the divine essence that is truly you as you learn to distinguish between YOUR energy and external energies?

Are you ready to reclaim your power and become the luminous beacon of light you are here to be?

Is it finally time for you to invest in discovering and growing yourself in every facet from financially to spiritually, physically to mentally?


Is it time to gain control over the one and only you can and will ever have control over...YOU?

Then, created JUST FOR YOU is the

Empowering Empaths, Knowing Narcissists
Learn at YOUR Pace Video Course!

almost completed!

   PRE-SALE ONLY $27   

In this video experience, you are SURE to blossom as you begin to truly connect with yourself and create that which you desire in your life!

With breakthrough journaling prompts in BOTH segments, you can expect to experience life altering shifts through:

  • Empath, Empathy and Sympathy Clarification

  • Understanding the types of Empaths and affirming that you ARE one

  • Vital strategies for self care, protection and love to thrive in today's energetically chaotic world

  • Shielding and Transmutation through Guided Visualizations

  • Gaslighting & Tactics Awareness

  • Spotting toxic people, narcissists and other such energy vampires

  • TYPES of Narcissists and how to spot them

  • False/Ego Self vs. True/Authentic/Soul Self

  • Symptoms & Purging of toxic energy

Empaths Education & Narcissist Knowledge

Are you finally ready to LOVE being an Empath??

Is it time to finally learn, hone and expand your gifts by understanding how they REALLY work??

Throughout the entirety of this course, you will be fully supported by a full blown intuitive Empath, mindset and empowerment coach through the connecting and discovery powers of guided journaling and visualizations.

With a book publishing on the horizon, Empowerment Experiences Founder, CEO and Coach Rachelle Richard is eager to share her firsthand journey in detail of DECADES of not knowing WHAT was happening to her to being misdiagnosed bipolar following extreme depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies to discovering the beauty, wonder and sheer joy CLARITY, KNOWLEDGE and INSPIRED ACTION can bring, even from the darkest in all of life.

YOU are NOT alone in this journey!

There IS a way to live your life on YOUR terms!

You CAN be in control of YOU and YOUR life!

   PRE-SALE ONLY $27   

Are you looking....

  • for guidance on how to get from where you are to where you want to be?

  • for help with finding clarity in who you are and who you desire to become?

  • to gain greater confidence in the decision make in ALL areas of your life?

  • to connect to and refine your intuitive skills so you spend less time "wondering" about what you "should" do?

  • to create and maintain healthy relationships and boundaries with others, including knowing when to walk away and when to stay?

  • to master your Empathic gifts for living in the flow as you seek to create the life you desire and SO RICHLY deserve?

Empowerment Experiences is here to help you discover so much about  YOUR AMAZINGLY DIVINE SELF, that love grows exponentially from within and expands to envelop, encompass and embrace those around you.

This is how we can change the truly changing ourselves first. And just as Rachelle has learned to create true change in her life, she is here to help YOU do the same in YOURS.

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